株式会社花阿彌 代表取締役社長
花阿彌ブルーメンシューレ マイスターインストラクター
International Teachers of Floristry Japan 運営代表
チャート式フラワーアレンジメント協会 代表
International Floral Art 審査員
社団法人アジア花の文化協会 理事
Kazumasa Kubo is a Japanese flower designer, active in Japan and overseas.
His demonstrations, lectures and lessons are known to many people. His books contain new designs and interesting design techniques. As a specialist, he is judging flower design competitions, and is also involved in the development of new floral products.
"HANA AMI Co., Ltd.": President and Director
"Hana Ami Blumenschule Flower Design School": Meister Instructor
"Hana Ami Instructors' Society HAIS" Honor member
"International Teachers of Floristry Japan": Representative
"Chart Flower Association": Chief Director
"Nippon Flower Designers Association"NFD: Former Chairman
"International Floral Art": Design Judge
"Asia Flower Culture Association" AFCA: Managing Director
"Singapore Garden Festival": Judge
Let us know, when you are interested in asking Kazumasa Kubo for your events or classes overseas.
If you want him to hold a special group lesson in Japan, he is looking forward to your request.
2019年 韓国の国際フラワーデザインイベントにてデモンストレーションとコンテスト審査/Demonstration&judging for International Hortulture Goyang Korea
from the left of the photo:
Mr.Erik Van Heijst,Ms.Alison Bradley and Kubo
2019年 中国からのグループを迎えての久保数政セミナー/Kazumasa Kubo Seminar for the group who came from China 2019
2018年 台湾での久保数政セミナー/Kazumasa Kubo Seminar in Taiwan 2018
2017年 スペインでの久保数政セミナー/Kazumasa Kubo Seminar in Spain 2017
2015年 イタリアでの久保数政セミナー/Kazumasa Kubo Seminar in Itary 2015